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Tag Archives: powershell

Ok, so I didn’t see this documented anywhere, but found a need to reduce additional I/O from our SCCM application folder (thanks RCM and BCP).

Anyway, thanks to Stack Overflow and a random post I ran across about enumerating and changing registry values simply, here’s an example that would move them from e: to a similar folder structure on i:

( I’ve modified these to make them readable within the sites format, be sure to delete any breaks and have them as a single line before copying them into your console.)

get-itemproperty -path HKLM:\software\microsoft\sms\tracing\* tracefilename | 
%{set-itemproperty -Path $_.PSPath TraceFilename -Value 
( $_.TraceFilename -Replace "e:","i:")}


get-itemproperty -path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\sms\providers\ "Logging Directory" | 
%{set-itemproperty -Path $_.PSPath "Logging Directory" -value 
( $_."Logging Directory" -Replace "e:","i:")}

( I’ve modified these to make them readable within the sites format, be sure to delete any breaks and have them as a single line before copying them into your console.)

Finally restart the sms_executive service and you should be good to go.

I’m just gonna leave this example right here….

gwmi -Namespace root -class __Namespace -Filter "name = 'ccm'" | rwmi

As some of you know, I’ve been working on CM 2012 for a while now, and establishing a hierarchy.  One of the unfortunate tasks with this job has been boundary creation.  Finally after a longer period than it should have taken I went to build a tool to create site boundaries for me out of a csv, similar to tools with SCCM 2007.

I found the sms_boundary class hadn’t changed (outside of an obsolete boundaryflag property) so I decided to test it out with powershell as a one liner, and it worked great.  I did a bit more research and stumbled across something already written by MVP Kaido Järvemets from Estonia, and enjoyed his minimalistic script for it so I followed his methodology (mostly) and ended up with this script that reads from a boundaries.csv file



$sitecode = "ABC"
$siteserver = "mysiteserver"
$boundarylist = Import-Csv '.\boundaries.csv'

foreach($Item in $boundarylist)
	{"Subnet" 	{$Type = 0}    
	 "AD" 		{$Type = 1}
     "IPv6" 	{$Type = 2}
     "Range" 	{$Type = 3}}
$arrValues = @{DisplayName = $Item.description; BoundaryType = $Type; `
Value = $Item.boundary}
Set-WmiInstance -Namespace "Root\SMS\Site_$sitecode" -Class SMS_Boundary `
-Arguments $arrValues -ComputerName $siteserver}

Not to take credit for other peoples work, especially since this is a hacked up version of his original which can be found here.

Laziness is the true mother of necessity I think in IT, and the tedious act of viewing multiple properties pages brought about this one liner.  If you too are setting up diverse deployment sets and need to quickly verify multiple deployments for reboot supression state. Here’s a way to do it in powershell:

gwmi -namespace "root\sms\site_<sitecode>" 
-query "select assignmentname from sms_updategroupassignment 
where assignmentname like '%<NAME SEARCH VALUE>%' and suppressreboot = '3'"
 -ComputerName <SITESERVERNAME> |Select -Property assignmentname

<chopped up for readability sake>

Suppressreboot values:
0 = No Suppression
1 = Workstation Suppression
2 = Server Suppression
3 = Server & Workstation Suppression

replace <> values with your relevant search criteria.

More class information.

So in an attempt to quickly extract OS version and Service Pack for a few machines in an environment the idea was presented to pull the data from active directory. The properties exist so the logic seemed sound; and as we’ve discussed this before it’s a pretty easy task with the active directory module in PowerShell, and here’s the code:

$list = gc computers.txt
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
ForEach($item in $list){
                $ado = (get-adcomputer $item -Properties *)
                $pso = New-Object PSObject
$pso | Add-Member -Name "Computer Name" -MemberType NoteProperty `
		-Value $ado.CN
$pso | Add-Member -Name "Operating System" -MemberType NoteProperty `
		-Value $ado.OperatingSystem
$pso | Add-Member -Name "Service Pack" -MemberType NoteProperty `
		-Value $ado.OperatingSystemServicePack

Assuming for the sake of example the name of this script is, get-adservicepack.ps1, and you’ve got your computers.txt file with your computer names in it then we’d run it like this.

./get-adservicepack.ps1 | export-csv -NoTypeInformation MyAdOutput.csv

So what’s happening?

First, we’re taking the get-content command to pull data from a local text file “computers.txt” into a data object and then iterating through it sequentially.  We are then using the computer name as the lookup name with the get-adcomputer cmdlet along with all it’s ad properties and assign it to a variable called ado.

Now we create a PowerShell object and begin to give it some noteproperties with values pulled from our ad object we created from the ad cmdlet then echo it’s contents out by calling it.

When we run the script and pipe it’s output to export-csv –NoTypeInformation we are taking that output and putting it directly into a csv without any of the object information, otherwise it’s a tabled console output.

PowerShell is so boss sometimes…

Maybe we just do all this in one line?

gc computers.txt|ForEach-object{Get-ADComputer $_ -properties *|select -Property name,operatingsystem,operatingsystemservicepack}|export-csv -notypeinformation output.csv

Scroll that line, like a boss.

Gallery entry on Script Center if you want to rate it

Alright, so if you read my previous post for AD to DB then this post will make more sense.  However if you haven’t; then now would be a good time to… go ahead, I’ll wait.

Now one of the primary purposes I had for this data was to leverage it against my v_r_system view and determine which active assets are missing their client.  Well that’s fine and good, but I had been in the habit of taking that data and then performing a DNS check for the entries using a Powershell script written by Jason Sandys.  Originally I was using a vbscript I wrote to do so, but found his to be far more efficient since it made use for the DNS class in .Net.  But I digress, the end result is that I had quite a few additional steps to determine which machines were active, and ready for remediation either locally by desktop support, or by my remote repair tools.

So, what to do?  Why not query what I need, run the DNS check from a data set, then write the results back to my data warehouse?  This script requires a few things:

  1. Working, integrated credential for querying the SCCM DB; and permission to drop, insert, and create for the DB warehouse.
  2. Table within the data warehouse with the AD data provided with my AD to DB script to join against the SCCM DB data.
  3. Established linked servers between the two databases to perform the join (stored query in the script calls the join from the SCCM DB server, so the link is required there)


Now that we have that out of the way lets discuss the variables that need to be modified here.

  • $db – SCCM Database for the primary site server
  • $sqlsrvr – SCCM Database Server Name
  • $db2 – Data Warehouse DB
  • $sqlsrvr2 – Data Warehouse Server Name
  • $table – Data Warehouse AD Table


Alright, so there it is, now time for the code; which I want to apologize in advance for it’s wide column width (download):

#We expect errors for hosts we can't find, so running silently
	$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
#Configuring connection and query variables for the sql client adapter
$db = "sms_abc" 					#sccm database
$sqlsrvr = "SCCMDBServer"  			#sccm db Server Name
$db2 = "DataWarehouse"				#Data Warehouse db
$sqlsrvr2 = "DataWarehouseServer"	#Data Warehouse Server Name
$table = "ADtablefromDatawarehouse"	#The table where AD data is stored
$sqlquery = "select sys.Name0 from $sqlsrvr.$db.dbo.v_r_system as sys join `
			$sqlsrvr2.$db2.dbo.$table as adlist on adlist.ad_machine = sys.name0`
			where DATEDIFF(d,passwordlastset,getdate()) <= 30 and Client0 = 0 or`
			DATEDIFF(d,passwordlastset,getdate()) <= 30 and Client0 is null"
#Performing the query and writing to a data set
$sqlcon = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=$sqlsrvr;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=$db;")
	$cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
		$cmd.CommandText = $SQLQUERY
			$cmd.Connection = $SQLCON
	$sqladapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
		$sqladapter.SelectCommand = $CMD
			$DS = New-Object System.Data.DataSet; $DS.Tables.Add("SQLQuery")
#Building new table in SQL for DNSQuery
$table = "NoClientDNSRecord"	
	$sqlcon = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=$sqlsrvr2;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=$db2;")
	$cmd = $sqlcon.CreateCommand()
		$cmd.CommandText = "drop table $table"
		$cmd.CommandText = "create table $table (Name varchar(150) not null Primary key,IP varchar(25), Reverse varchar(150), status varchar(50))"
#Performing a DNS query against each machine in our SQL data set
foreach($row in $DS.Tables["SQLQuery"].rows){
	$system = $row[0]
	$sys = New-Object PSObject
		$sysname = $system.ToLower().Trim()
			$sys | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $sysname
	#Getting IP address for the host name
	$sys | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IP -Value "-"
		$sys.IP = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostEntry($sysname).AddressList | select -First 1
			$firstOctet = ($sys.IP -split "[.]")[0].Trim()
	#Getting reverse address from dns for the host name
	$sys | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Reverse -Value "-"
		$sys.Reverse = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostEntry($sys.IP).HostName | select -First 1
			$sys.Reverse = ($sys.Reverse -split "[.]")[0].ToLower().Trim()
				if ($sys.Reverse -eq $firstOctet){$sys.Reverse = "-"}
	#Writing a status for the entry based on  name and reverse lookups.	
	$sys | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Status -Value "-"
		if		($sys.IP -eq "-")			`
		{$sys.Status = "Could not Resolve IP"}
		elseif	($sys.Reverse -eq "-")		`
		{$sys.Status = "IP Address not found in reverse zone"}
		elseif	($sys.Name -ne $sys.Reverse)`
		{$sys.Status = "IP registered to another system"}
		else								`
		{$sys.Status = "OK"}
#Writing values to SQL
$cmd.CommandText = "insert $table values ('$($','$($sys.ip)','$($sys.reverse)','$($sys.status)')"; [Void]$cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()}


I’d recommend using PowerGUI for reviewing/modifying this code as it’s by far the best (free) powershell editor available.

Until next time, have a good one!

Redid the File Renamer script for you based on what you asked for. This should tag common video files as v and pictures (well everything that isn’t excluded) as p.  I also added a file browser to the script as well as a general graphical interface to kind of make things simpler.  If you don’t want it in there I can easily strip it out and put it back to command line.

Script: Renamer.ps1
Author: Daniel Belcher
Modified: 11/5/11
    $SHELL = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application  
	$FOLDER = $SHELL.BrowseForFolder(0, $MSG, 0, $PATH)
	    if ($FOLDER -ne $NULL) 
		$SHELL = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
Select Folder with contnets to modify via Shell.Application namespace
and verify that the choice is correct with Wscript popup method.
   $FOLDER = Folder -MSG "Select your folder..." -Path .\
if($FOLDER -eq $NULL) {
Message -MSG "Must select a folder to continue." -Title "Error" 
$VERIFY = (Message `
"You Selected:
Its contents will be renamed, are you sure?" -Title "Verify")
	if($VERIFY -eq "2") {break}
Grab directory contents and process
	$LIST = Get-ChildItem "$FOLDER\*" -Exclude `
	*ps1,*exe,*mp3,*dll,*ini,*cfg,*ocx,*doc?,*xls?,*txt|Sort-Object lastwritetime
			$X = 0
	ForEach($OBJECT in $LIST)
		{$EXTENSION = $OBJECT.ToString().Split("\") | Select -Last 1; 
		$EXTENSION = $EXTENSION.Split(".") | Select-Object -Last 1
	if($EXTENSION.Contains("ps1") -eq $TRUE){break}
$TYPE = "p"
			mov{$TYPE = "v"}
			avi{$TYPE = "v"}
			wmv{$TYPE = "v"}
			mpg{$TYPE = "v"}
			mpeg{$TYPE = "v"}
			$FILEINFO = New-Object System.IO.DirectoryInfo($OBJECT)
				$NAME = $FILEINFO.LastWriteTime.GetDateTimeFormats() |`
					Select-Object -Index 99
				$NAME = "$($NAME) ($($X)) $($TYPE).$($EXTENSION)"
						Write-Output $NAME
			Rename-Item -Path "$OBJECT" $NAME
			$X = $X+1


Feel free to modify this anyway you like, add more extensions, exclude more etc. This was kind of a lazy hack to get you what you told me, and I had a few minutes to kill since I couldn’t sleep tonight.

Ok, so as I stated at the tail end of my last post, here’s your PowerShell to export data from Active Directory to a MSSQL Database.  This code can be easily modified to pull whatever AD info you want and to insert it.  I make use of the System.Data.SqlClient namespace, so it’s worth mentioning that you can also use MySql.Data.MySqlClient or System.Data.OracleClient for your needs.  You can examine what I’m using via the SqlClient namespace and easily correlate it back to your respective need.


Script: AD to DB
Author: Daniel Belcher
#$ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
$CHECK = Get-Module ActiveDirectory
	Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red `
	"Can't find the ActiveDirectory module, please insure it's installed.`n"
ELSE {Import-Module ActiveDirectory}

<#Variable String values for customizing
	the DB and to write to and OU to lookup against
		as well as the time range in days#>
<#DataBase Name:#>
$DB = "Data"
<#SQL Server Name:#>
$SQLSRVR = "localhost\sqlexpress"
<#Table to Create:#>
$TABLE = "ADExport"	
<#Days old based on activity according to passwordlastset:#>
$DAYS = 180
<#Root OU to Search:#>
$ORGUNIT = "Root OU to Search"
<#Table Create String#>
$CREATE = "CREATE TABLE $TABLE (AD_Machine varchar(150) not null PRIMARY KEY, `
	OU varchar(100),DistinguishedName varchar(max),PasswordLastSet datetime, `
	OS varchar(100),ServicePack varchar(100))"
<#Setting up object variables
	to be used for AD lookup#>
	$TIME = [datetime]::today.adddays(-$DAYS)
$LOOKUP = (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -LDAPFilter "(Name=$ORGUNIT)")
	$ADARRAY = (Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $lookup.DistinguishedName -properties `
			name,passwordlastset,operatingsystem,operatingsystemservicepack `
			-Filter 'passwordlastset -ge $TIME')  
<#Setting up object variables
	to be used for AD lookup#>
	$TIME = [datetime]::today.adddays(-$DAYS)
$LOOKUP = (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -LDAPFilter "(Name=$ORGUNIT)")
	$ADARRAY = (Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $lookup.DistinguishedName -properties `
			name,passwordlastset,operatingsystem,operatingsystemservicepack `
			-Filter 'passwordlastset -ge $TIME')  
<#Connect and cleanup the AD table
	Connection remains open for writting#>
$SQLCON = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=$SQLSRVR; `
			Initial Catalog=$DB;Integrated Security=SSPI")
		$SQL = $SQLCON.CreateCommand() 
			$SQL.CommandText ="DROP TABLE $TABLE"
				$SQL.ExecuteNonQuery() > $null
		$SQL.CommandText = $CREATE
			$SQL.ExecuteNonQuery() > $null
<#Begin loop through the ADARRAY for
	Variables and begin inserting Rows to table#>
	$X = 0
		$OU = $OBJECT.DistinguishedName.ToString().Substring($OBJECT.Name.ToString().Length+4)
			$DN = $OBJECT.DistinguishedName
				$PWDLS = $OBJECT.PasswordLastSet
					$OS = $OBJECT.OperatingSystem
						$SP = $OBJECT.OperatingSystemServicePack
#\\\\Any Table Data to be written goes here:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
	$SQL.CommandText = $INSERT
		$SQL.ExecuteNonQuery() > $null
$X = $X + 1			
"$X Records written to $TABLE in database $DB on server $SQLSRVR"
<#Cleanup variables and close connections#>



We have 5 key variables to work from here:

  1. $DB – Name of Database to write to
  2. $SQLSRVR – Name/IP of the SQL server
  3. $TABLE – Table to build this data to
  4. $DAYS – Age of machines to pull from AD
  5. $ORGUNIT – The base OU to search through recursively


These of course are set to preference or need.

Now what the script does is, it figures out the date using the datetime function in .net factored by the number of days back you declare.

Then it looks up and stores the base OU we will search through then builds the object with the AD Objects it finds.

Next it instantiates the SqlClient object and makes a connection to the server and database we specified in our variables.  We drop the table specified, then recreate the table.

Now the real work begins, we loop through the AD Objects one by one and cherry pick the specific properties out that we want from the object (an area that PowerShell excels at I might add) and declare them as variables to be finally written to our database table.

And for good measure we count each loop and store that so we can see how many records were found and attempted, then cleanup all our variables used during the script.

As a Systems Engineer/SCCM Administrator I spend a lot of time parsing through data, and assisting support technicians in tracking down failing assets.  Now mind you, I have plenty of reports that give me the information I need to identify the machine and users and techs responsible etc, but what happens when I get a random list of employee names from a project manager that has 0 access to user ids or asset numbers for machines?  Well, I have to find that information, then spend time later pointing them to resources I’ve made available for them; but that’s another topic….

Anyway, I face both problems, I’ll receive a list of userids or usernames and have to resolve them one against another.  Well thanks to powershell I’m able to do so quickly and easily through profile functions.  Now, I’ll explain the benefits of profile functions after the code below:


Import-Module activedirectory

Function Get-UserName { 

Get-ADUser $USERID | select name 
Set-Alias gun Get-UserName 
Function Get-Userid { 
$NAME = $NAME + "*" 
    Get-ADUser -Filter {Name -like $NAME} | select samaccountname,name 
Set-Alias guid Get-Userid 

 How do I use profile functions?!?

Powershell, much like the BASH shell in Unix/Linux, has a profile “script” so to speak at startup.  There is a global one found at:

  • %WinDir%System32WindowsPowerShellv1.0Profile.ps1
  • %WinDir%System32WindowsPowerShellv1.0Microsoft.PowerShell_Profile.ps1
  • %WinDir%System32WindowsPowerShellv1.0Microsoft.PowerShellISE_Profile.ps1

The same filename syntax is used for the user profile versions:

  • %UserProfile%My DocumentsWindowsPowerShellProfile.ps1
  • %UserProfile%My DocumentsWindowsPowerShellMicrosoft.PowerShell_Profile.ps1
  • %UserProfile%My DocumentsWindowsPowerShellMicrosoft.PowerShellISE_Profile.ps1

See a pattern?  Simple enough right?  None of these profiles exist by default though, they must be created.  The names are fairly indicative of what they control, but here’s a breakdown:

  • Profile.ps1
    • This governs startup of both the standard powershell, and the ISE.
  • Microsoft.PowerShell_Profile.ps1
    • This governs startup of the standard powershell console only.
  • Microsoft.PowerShellISE_Profile.ps1
    • This governs startup of the ISE powershell console only.

Simple enough right?  Now, for the sake of simplicity, lets build a current user version of the profile.ps1 and save the above code to it.  Make sure you’ve installed the activedirectory cmdlet module provided with windows 7. Now launch powershell and viola you should now have the cmdlets:

  • Get-UserName
  • Get-UserID

and their aliases:

  • GUN
  • GUID

Ok, now what?

Here’s the thing about profile functions.  You can treat them like cmd-lets now.  That also means that you can script against them.  Consider them a static variable for every powershell session that you have configured with this profile.

Pretty cool huh?  One of the most powerful features of the shell is it’s configurability, and profile functions and aliases are the tip of that spear.

In the case of user name capture, or id capture, I’m but a simple gc and for-each statement away from processing the list given to me.

I hope this helps broaden your practical understanding of profiles, and gets your creative juices flowing for building your own administrative tool kits.  Happy scripting.

I haven’t written a scripting post in a while, but I’ve wanted to.  So in keeping with the spirit of my stick to the script posts lets look at something that is common among all scripting languages (even if the syntax isn’t).

Let’s talk about strings…….


Awwww, but no.  These kind of strings.  In the case of scripting, I think the best way to think about it is, text, what you are reading or able to read.  They aren’t used mathematically (usually), but can and will be a huge component in your scripting.  Especially when automating things around a desktop or server environment.

Oh really?  Yes, really.  General uses for strings in a script are:

  • User messages
  • Reporting or logging
  • Comparisons
  • Explicit paths
  • Application execution
  • Conditionals

Ok, so maybe that list doesn’t look that impressive, but when you consider how much of that is done within a script, it becomes obvious the importance of string values to scripting.  It’s also important to recognize that in certain scripting environments, it’s important to define a string value as such so that it can be properly used. 

(Powershell for instance, requires you to properly define a value type to use the relevant functions… but I’m getting ahead of myself.)

So wait?  There are more than strings in a script?  Yes; Strings, Integers, and Booleans are your standard value types. Integers are numbers (math!) and Booleans are True or False.  So given those value types, perhaps it is a bit more obvious how frequently you will use string values?

So lets get into some sample code and evaluate strings some shall we?


strTest = "Hey, I'm a string value"

wscript.echo strTest
'Shows the string value
wscript.echo strTest&", and I've been concatenated to the value."
'& operator joins values
wscript.echo lcase(strTest)
'Lower case
wscript.echo ucase(strTest)
'Upper case
wscript.echo strReverse(strTest)
'Reverses the string
wscript.echo len(strTest)
'Gives the total length of a string
wscript.echo mid(strTest,10,8)
'Returns fix number of characters in string
wscript.echo left(strTest,11)
'11 chars from the left
wscript.echo right(strTest,13)
'13 chars from the right
wscript.echo inStr(strTest,"a")
'Returns position of string from left to right
wscript.echo inStrRev(strTest,"a")
'Returns position of string from right to left
a = split(strTest)
'Splits strTest by it's spaces
for each item in a
    wscript.echo item
   'echoes each dimension from the split array

wscript.echo a(3)&" "&a(4)

'echoes the split arrays dimensions 3 and 4

strReturn=inputbox("Here, you try!")

if strReturn = "" then
   wscript.echo "Fine, don't play along"
    wscript.echo "So you said: "&trim(ucase(strReturn))&vbcrlf _
    &"Sheesh, no need to shout!"
end if

Running the above script will give you a better understanding of what I’m about to explain.  I wanted to show some common functions in vbscript (syntax is different but these will be universal functions you will use).  The above are common string manipulation tools


Code explained… line by line

First we are defining our string to a variable strTest.  Now “in the wild” as it were, this string could be pulled from an object property, read from a file, registry, user input, output from another application, etc.  It’s best to define a string to a variable though, no matter the method for input.  This of course is the most direct way to do it for our example

Now we begin with the simplest string usage, output.

Now we raise the stakes a bit by joining an additional string value to our current strTest.  This action is known as concatenation.  This is a very common thing with string usage and manipulation.  Building complex values/messages/logs from various predefined and/or dynamically pulled string values.

Our next two examples have to do with manipulating case between upper and lower.  This is fairly self explanatory, and in the interest of string comparisons it’s usually a good practice (and often necessary) to force a case set, especially if the comparison function is case sensitive.

String reversal, this may not seem important initially, but makes a huge difference when you are forced to chop strings up.  The ability to reverse a string can go a long way for string chopping.  Especially if you are dealing with filenames.

The length function is another that may seem arbitrary to some, but allows for great flexibility as well in chopping up strings such as file names.  If you have a fixed number of characters to remove it’s sometimes simpler then splitting the string.  (so I wasn’t completely honest about the math stuff and strings)

Mid, Left, and Right.  These 3 can be used in conjunction with length to return a fixed number of characters from the left right, or middle (specified) of a string.  Here’s a quick easy example:

test="I am 18 chars long"
wscript.echo test
wscript.echo right(test,count)

Very simply, we take the total length of Test and subtract it by 4, then return the sum of remaining characters from right to left of the original string.  In this example we, had a fixed value to subtract, be mindful you could use the length value of multiple strings to achieve the same type of results.

Now, InStr and InStrRev, or “In String” and “In String Reverse”.  These two functions make for great conditionals.  They, along with strComp, are excellent for determining like strings and taking action.  Especially when parsing through files and directories looking for specific returns. 

One of my favorites, especially in PowerShell, split.  Split takes a string, looks for a delimiter (space by default) and breaks the string up into an array.  Why do I like it so much?  Put simply, it allows you to quickly whittle down long path names into a single filename.  It also allows you to quickly and efficiently modify lists of data into manageable formats.  And last but not least, it can easily turn files like csv’s into an array for manipulation.

Finally, user input.  This is pretty self explanatory.  Prompt for input, receive and control input, use input.

In PowerShell, string functions are called like this:

$a=”This is a string value”




$a.Replace(“a “,”my “)

$a.split(“ “)





$a.CompareTo(“this is a string value”)








Given the previous examples in vbscript, you should be able to easily adapt your knowledge to using these in PowerShell.  The idea and purpose is still the same, again, the syntax is just different.

String manipulation inside Bash is, admitedly, a bit more convoluted so I won’t be touching on it in this post.  However I’d highly recommend an online source like: Mendel Cooper’s guide.  Again, the methodology will still be fairly the same, but the syntax will differ.  The largest issue with Bash is the myriad of ways of performing the string manipulation.


Anyway, I hope this has been informative for you.  Good luck, and happy scripting!