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Monthly Archives: December 2011

Due to awkward travel plans around this time of year, tomorrow is my Christmas morning with my wife and kids.  The excitement I feel as a parent towards seeing my kids faces (and wife) as they see/open their presents is quite an exciting feeling.  I hope/pray everyone else is able to find joy at this time and that you not forget why we celebrate this time.

Unrelated to the holidays, but I’ve finalized the first build of the logon framework/script I’ve been working on.  With it I intend to post the dictionary wrapper object I built along with (eventually) the full code base with xml config (scrubbed of course).

Happy holiday, and peace be with you.

Ok, so I’ve not posted anything for a few days and I felt the need to throw a brief technical post up with a code snippet from a current project I’m working on. I’m building a health check logon script and as part of that framework I wanted to build a logging object. Since the target format has to be vbscript for what I’m doing, I’ve built it as such, and in a format that views nicely inside of trace32 and trace64.

The idea was to build an object that would perform a simple task, write a log file…. then write a log file, or an event, then write only error events, but could also buffer and dump a final error or success log as a split log to another remote location. All configurable via properties, but with only two exposed methods to control it all (write & writeremote). This object is instantiated by:

Dim Logging
Set Logging = New cls_Logging

Call Logging.Write("my message",1)


Simple enough, no? It’s also worth mentioning I wrote the code so that a constant could be set within the instantiating script of DEBUGMODE and if TRUE it will error, else suppresses all error output.

Here’s the code:

'Logging Class ===================================================================

'Not required for WSF, but is when in standard VBS
Const ForAppending = 8

'Log and Event writer object
Class cls_Logging
'Class for logging to file and event viewer

Private oWShell,oNet,oFSo,Filehandle,rFilehandle
Private fPath,strRFPath,fMaxSize,fLogname,strRemoteErr,BoolEvent,BoolRemote,oDict

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    'Object Init subroutine
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
    Set oWShell 	= CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
	Set oNet 		= CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
	Set oFSo 		= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set oDict		= CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
		LogEvent 	= False
		RemoteLog	= False
		Path 		= Left(WScript.ScriptFullName,(Len(WScript.ScriptFullName)_
		File 		= LCase(oNet.ComputerName)
		MaxSize = 2
End Sub


Private Sub Class_Terminate()
	'Object Termination subroutine
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
	If bOpen Then
	End If
		Set oWShell = Nothing
		Set oNet = Nothing
		Set oFSo = Nothing
		Set Filehandle = Nothing
		Set fPath = Nothing
		Set fMaxSize = Nothing
		Set fLogname = Nothing
		Set BoolEvent = Nothing
End Sub

'File name properties, for changing and retrieving the log file name
Public Property Let File(strFile)
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
	If (InStr(StrReverse(strFile),"gol.")) <> 0 Then
		fLogname = strFile
		fLogname = strFile & ".log"
	End If
End Property
		Public Property Get File()
		    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
				File = fLogname
		End Property

'Path name properties, for changing and retrieving the path to logs
Public Property Let Path(strPath)
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
		If (InStr(StrReverse(strpath),"\")) <> 1 Then
			fPath = strPath & "\"
			fPath = strPath
		End If
End Property
		Public Property Get Path()
		    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
			Path = fPath
		End Property
'Fully concatenated file name property for retrival.
		Public Property Get FullFileName()
			FullFileName = Path & File
		End Property

'Property for setting maximum file size of log file
Public Property Let MaxSize(strVal)
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
	fMaxSize = Cint(strVal) * 1048576
End Property
		Public Property Get MaxSize()
    		If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
			MaxSize = fMaxSize
		End Property

'Boolean property to determine if the filehandle is in use
Private Property Get bOpen()
	If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next	
		If IsObject(Filehandle) Then
			bOpen = True
			bOpen = False
		End If
End Property

Public Property Let LogEvent( blValue)
'Bool property that dictates event viewer rights
	BoolEvent = blValue
End Property
	Private Property Get LogEvent()
		LogEvent = BoolEvent
	End Property
Public Property Let RemoteLog( blValue)
'Bool property that dictates if logging occurs to remote location
	BoolRemote = blValue
End Property
	Private Property Get RemoteLog()
		RemoteLog = BoolRemote
	End Property
Public Property Let RemotePath( strPath)
		If (InStr(StrReverse(strpath),"\")) <> 1 Then
			strRFPath = strPath & "\"
			strRFPath = strPath
		End If
End Property
	Public Property Get RemotePath()
		RemotePath = strRFPath
	End Property

Private Sub RemoteErrBuffer( strKey,  strItem)
'Method to concactenate new items under one key at the end of the string
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
		Dim concat

	If Not oDict.Exists(strKey) Then
		Call oDict.Add(strkey, stritem)
		concat = oDict.Item(strKey)
		concat = concat & "|:|" & strItem
		Call oDict.Add(strKey,concat)
	End If

End Sub

Public Function ErrBuffer()
'Method to return contents of the error buffer
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
    Dim ItemToSplit, ItemArray, item
	ItemToSplit = oDict.item("remotelog")
	ItemArray = Split(ItemToSplit, "|:|")
	ErrBuffer = ItemArray
End Function
Public Sub WriteRemote(strVal)
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
	If Not CreateRemote Then
		Exit Sub
	End If

		rFilehandle.WriteLine strVal

End Sub

'Subroutine for creating the remote log file and instantiating the handle
Private Function CreateRemote()
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next

	Dim FileProperty,Logsize

	CreateRemote = False

	If Not oFso.FolderExists(RemotePath) Then 
		Call Write(RemotePath & " Does not exist, or is unreachable.",3)
			Exit Function
	End If 

	If Not oFSo.FileExists(RemotePath & File) Then
		oFso.CreateTextFile(RemotePath & File)
		oFSo.DeleteFile(RemotePath & File)
			oFso.CreateTextFile(RemotePath & File)
	End If    
		If Not IsObject(rFilehandle) Then
	       	Set rFileHandle = oFSo.OpenTextFile(RemotePath & File, _
	       	 ForAppending, True)
	    End If
	If oFSo.FolderExists(RemotePath) Then
		CreateRemote = True
	End If
End Function

'Subroutine for writing log entries
Public Function Write( msg,  mtype)
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
	Dim msgline, etype
		Call Create()

		If Not bOpen Then
			Call Create()
		End If
    msgline = "<![LOG["&msg&"]LOG]!><time="&""""&DatePart("h",Time) _
    &":"&DatePart("n",Time)&":"&DatePart("s",Time)&".000+0"""&" date=""" _
    &Replace(Date,"/","-")&""""&" component="""&Left(WScript.ScriptName, _
    Len(WScript.ScriptName)-Len(".vbs"))&""" context="""" type="""&mtype _
    &""" thread="""" file="""&Left(WScript.ScriptName,Len(WScript.ScriptName)_
    -Len(".vbs"))& """>"

	Filehandle.WriteLine msgline

		Select Case Mtype
			Case 1
				etype = 0
			Case 2
				etype = 2
						If LogEvent Then
					oWShell.LogEvent etype, msg
						End If 
					Call RemoteErrBuffer("remotelog", msg  & "," & "2")
			Case Else
				etype = 1
						If LogEvent Then
					oWShell.LogEvent etype, msg
						End If
					Call RemoteErrBuffer("remotelog", msg  & "," & "1")
		End Select
End Function

'Subroutine for rolling over log file at file size limit
Private Sub Rollover()
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next
	If bOpen Then
	End If
	oFso.CopyFile FullFileName, Left(FullFileName,(Len(FullFileName)-1)), True
		oFSo.DeleteFile FullFileName
	Set FileHandle = oFSo.OpenTextFile(FullFileName, ForAppending, True)			
End Sub

'Subroutine for creating the log file and instantiating the handle
Private Sub Create()
    If Debugmode Then On Error Goto 0 Else On Error Resume Next

	Dim FileProperty,Logsize

	If Not oFSo.FileExists(FullFileName) Then
	End If    
		If Not bOpen Then
	       	Set FileHandle = oFSo.OpenTextFile(FullFileName, ForAppending, True)
	    End if
	Set FileProperty = oFSo.GetFile(FullFileName)
				Logsize = FileProperty.size
	If Logsize > MaxSize Then
			Filehandle.WriteLine "\\\\\\\\\\File Size Reached//////////"
		Call Rollover()
	End If
End Sub
End Class

I built a scripting dictionary wrapper as well which was inspired by work from Dan Thomson in his health check script. I’ll most likely post it next after I feel it’s complete.

If you found this object helpful, or otherwise, I would appreciate it if you rated it on script center.

I’ve been slap busy with work, and late night coding.  So another tag blog post with an interesting video I ran across via Google+ (hosted by YouTube).



If you are playing/played Skyrim you’d understand.
That is all.