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Category Archives: Faith

Anything pertaining to my God and my walk to glorify him.

To say I’ve been a bit busy lately would be the understatement of the year.

Finalizing critical content packages to allow the decommission of our previous systems management software.  Transitioning our infrastructure to the new systems as well, and performing software rationalizations in our environment has put me at a limit to sitting and writing.

Oh, did I mention general systems integration for a new company that I’m not certain I have a future with still?

I do thoroughly enjoy the work though as it’s largely technical and requires little (or allows for little) theory crafting sessions on the best possible way.  Don’t get me wrong, I love planning, but planning without action to me is just a miserable existence.  I don’t thrive on anarchy, but I enjoy doing work as opposed to talking about it; and I enjoy clutch situations at times.

In other, life altering news; our daughter was officially diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy last week.  I’m not really sure where else to go with that outside of the fact it is what it is.  It was a rough day last Monday when we got the news; but I think I am past the diagnosis and back to looking at my daughter for what she is, not what she will or will not be.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart; I have overcome the world. – John 16:33

When I see my beautiful daughter smile, I’m reminded how lucky I am that she’s alive and in our care.  Even if that burden is great, I gladly bear it; as would most parents.  I’m sure there will still be anger, and pain dealing with this so please, if you have been then continue to pray for us.

Will on the other hand, my main man.  He’s absolutely digging “getting muscles” lately and is continually asking me if such and such builds muscles, or telling me how or where he got some new muscle. He’s also been doing a really great job lately with being a responsible big brother to his sister in her trials.  Admittedly he still gets frustrated at times with the amount of attention his sister receives, but his love and encouragement for her continues to amaze me and makes me proud to be his father.

So back to the building muscles thing.  I came home last night from work, and my son comes yelling  “DADDY COME HERE I WANT TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING”.  So I walk into the family room, and he’s taken a toy shopping cart and pulled it up to the mantle, and proceeds to do wide grip overhand chin ups.  It was a rest day for me too so I just did some yoga that night as well, which my son was MORE than eager to get involved in; the entire time explaining to me how or why it builds muscles.  That kid is awesome.

Hah, well I ended up writing a lot more then I expected; I should quit while I’m ahead.  Take care until next time.

A reasoning individual without doubt is unreasonable.

-Daniel Belcher


  1. a basis or cause, as for some belief, action, fact, event, etc.
  2. The mental powers concerned with forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences.
  3. Sound judgment; good sense


  1. The act or process of a person who reasons.
  2. The process of forming conclusions, judgements, or inferences from facts or premises
  3. The reasons, arguments, proofs, etc., resulting from this process


  1. Agreeable to reason or sound judgement; logical.


  1. to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe
  2. To be uncertain about something; be undecided in opinion or belief.


For one to reason, they must be able to question the very premise of that which they currently believe, else that reasoning is suspect and lacking in sound judgment.  Mind you, there is reasonable doubt, and that is what I’m speaking to directly here.

I’ve got a fairly large amount of content I’d like to post and discuss:

  • Current workout/diet regiment, and results so far
  • SCCM health check script and logon framework I’ve been working on
  • Theological view on harmony, and mans self importance

However, between my work schedule, and workout schedule I’ve had little free time and now I’m fighting a sinus infection. Instead of just blowing off my blog completely I wanted to of course post this, as perhaps more an outline for subjects I wish to cover this coming month.

Until then, take care.

I just wanted to make a brief post to let all my readers and loved ones who read my blog know that I am ok.

My wife was a bit shook up as she hates tornadoes, and we count ourselves lucky that this one missed us as well. We’ve already begun to hear reports of fatalities in the town/suburb just north west of us.

Prayers for those affected.

I had thought to have more time to blog and post things of interest now that the holidays had passed and the core portion of my logon framework was completed but something(s) unexpected happened.  We arrived home and decided to go out to eat dinner when my wife received a phone call that her closest cousin’s 7 month old son had died suddenly at the sitters.  This passing was followed by the news of 3 others close to me; 1 co worker and 2 old family friends.

There is hope in their passing that I will see them all again.  With that I find peace, but continue to pray for their loved ones and those who feel the immediate loss in their life.  One of my favorite analogies of death is that, it’s like losing an arm.  Things will never be the same, but eventually you learn to live without it. 

To those learning how to live again, my heart goes out to you, sincerely.

Due to awkward travel plans around this time of year, tomorrow is my Christmas morning with my wife and kids.  The excitement I feel as a parent towards seeing my kids faces (and wife) as they see/open their presents is quite an exciting feeling.  I hope/pray everyone else is able to find joy at this time and that you not forget why we celebrate this time.

Unrelated to the holidays, but I’ve finalized the first build of the logon framework/script I’ve been working on.  With it I intend to post the dictionary wrapper object I built along with (eventually) the full code base with xml config (scrubbed of course).

Happy holiday, and peace be with you.

So, in the midst of the holiday season I’ve not had a lot of time to blog, if I’ve had time it’s been spent either coding or playing one of the many games that have been coming out this holiday season.

This past week I took some time off to get away with my wife and and spend some time alone while my mother in law watched the kids.  I can’t begin to express how amazing it was to just relax with my wife and enjoy each others company.  To sit and talk, uninterrupted about something other than the work or kids.  We also went to see courageous while we were together.  We really enjoyed it, and it was nice to see a movie that we both could enjoy that covered values that we agree with.

It was especially nice considering the time was intended for us to grow together and reconnect.  This offered us that opportunity, and we have our in laws to thank for that.  Of course all good things must come to an end and this was no different.  We then spent the rest of the week with family, enjoying ourselves, but wearing ourselves out as well.  Games, kids, food, sickness, and well, family (and all that implies).

As far as gaming is concerned I’ve been through and am currently playing: battlefield 3 (pc), Assassin’s Creed Revelations (ps3), Resistance 3 (ps3), gears of war 3 (360), Uncharted 3 (ps3), Skyrim (pc), and swtor beta (pc).  I’ve so far, omitted batman arkham city and modern warfare 3.  I’ll be throwing some more technical blogs up later I’d suspect, especially involving some things I have going building an sccm health check script that’s fairly comprehensive yet light weight.  We’ll see how that goes.

For those wondering, I still don’t have any news on my current job situation.  So until I’m told otherwise, I am employed.  I suppose I’ll make it through my holiday’s with it from the way things look, but you never know.  Thanks for those praying for me during this time, they are always welcome.

That’s about it for my update, until next time, have a happy holiday.

I want you to think of a few things that will help you to remain mission minded. For the record, these are things I ask myself, or pose to myself on a regular basis; today has been one of those days.


God is sovereign, he placed you where you are.

You will be going into work, or staying home, or taking rest today because it was ordained by God. This same God knit you together in your mother’s womb, he also knit the people around you in their mother’s womb. The people you will see today are intended for you to see, they are not an accident.

Do you believe that?


You have nothing to fear or worry over, your food, your clothing, your social status.

Do you know what it is to be hungry? Do you know what it is to be a social pariah? Do you know what it is to be underdressed. Now ask yourself this, what did my worrying do to improve/resolve this problem? I believe when you evaluate that you realize it contributed nothing. I believe you will realize it is in God’s hands.

Do you believe that?


We go day in and day out, neglecting our God.

Our very hearts and minds drift from him towards desires of the flesh. Towards what will satisfy us physically and emotionally, we whore ourselves to it. Our work, our children, our church, our friends, ourselves.

Do you believe that?


We do not deserve one iota of respect, patience, peace, mercy, or love from the almighty being that created us.

We deserve to die, we are like dust before the lord. Apart from God and then compared to God, we don’t even register. We couldn’t even stand in his presence! We couldn’t even look at him!

Do you believe that?


This same God sent his only son, himself, in the flesh, to DIE for YOU.

Do you believe that?


We are forgiven, we are forgiven, we are forgiven, WE ARE FORGIVEN!

Do you believe that?


Who can stand before our God!? Who can hold back his hand!? How can anyone not be amazed by our God? If you see him, hear him, feel him, know him, then how can you not be amazed by our God?

Do you believe that?


From the overflow of our hearts comes praise and worship.

What is praise? If your child learns to walk, if you get a new car, if you got a great deal on clothes; how do you react? You want to tell everyone about it, if you are like me you can’t shut up about it! That is praise, how much MORE then should we praise God? What has been done for us? We are forgiven, we are loved, we are provided for, we will live forever, we are heirs to the throne, we are children of the light. Why would we not talk about it? If our God is in control, and we are forgiven even though all signs say we shouldn’t be; then why are we not on FIRE to tell people?


There is no feasible excuse outside of: we don’t believe.

To all things God gets the glory.  This is something of a doctrinal mantra, but is it something you believe?

We know that God is faithful according to Scripture.  Having on a multitude of occasions fulfilled his promises to his elect.  Not necessarily in their lifetimes, but certainly fulfilled.

So what do these two things tell us about God’s character, and what it should mean to his elect?

Its never too late, and nothing is impossible. 

God is most glorified when we are most incapable of receiving glory.  That is what is meant when it is said “my power is made perfect in your weakness” when we are removed, and God is the only one to receive the due credit, he will be most glorified.

So take heart, that when you are broken, and all appears lost  There is God, and in him there is our hope. 

So then what does his faithfulness have to do with that? 

Well he has promised that all good to those who love him and are called according to His purpose for His glory.  If you are His, and in you is His glory, and that glory is in your good; how can you lose?

I don’t say that from a prosperity stand point, but from a point of faith and promise.  In the vastness that is God’s grace and mercy, we find even more to love him for.

In our brokenness we find his Glory, and like everything he does, it’s a beautiful reversal.

As is the case with everything it starts with God.

I’m speaking to believers here of course, but take the time to really reflect on God and who he is.  Infinite, immutable, omnipotent, righteous, perfect in every way.

Really get in there, think about this.  Sovereign, in control of everything.  Knowing the end from the beginning, working all things to his glory and to the good of those who love him.  The only thing in existence worthy of praise, because through him all things are made.

Now, stop and look at yourself.

Whoring ourselves out to anything that can offer you a quick fix to your immediate pleasure.  Even in our most righteous state, we are still unimaginably self centered and dirty.

Really get in there, into the darkest recesses of your mind where no one but you can hear the most intimate desires of your heart.  Really focus on that for a second, is that desire for God?  Is that desire wholesome?  Is that desire a desire you honestly believe God looks favorably upon?  Sin, is in the heart, not the act.  By sheer desire for a thing, apart from God, we have committed idolatry.  Like disobedient children, we choose our own way, completely defiant and ignorant to the right punishment we deserve.

The wages of sin is death.  There is no other way to look at that.  Now hold that thought for a moment.

Perfect God, compared to fallen man.

Focus on this now for a moment.

We deserve nothing, nothing but wrath.

Really stop and be honest with yourself, innocence vs. guilt.  The guilty should die no?

Yes, by all rights we should die.  Yet, instead of wrath, instead of death, instead of destruction, we receive mercy?

Not only mercy, but we receive God himself, as a living sacrifice to atone for our sins.  To not only die for us, but to live the life we couldn’t possibly live.  One of perfection, of righteousness, then obediently take death on a cross, and separation from the perfect communion with the God head.

We not only received this INCREDIBLE salvation, but we also received a place alongside God as co-heirs to the throne.

We are not worthy.

We will never be worthy.

We owe our everything to God, for his mercy, for his steadfast love, for his promise, for his good nature, for himself.

So how do you love your neighbor?  The same way it began with God, and ends with God.  You love them the way God loves you.

Unendingly, sacrificially, mercifully.